You no so many benefits that the ant nest, ant nest than the uterus, also has a high compound. Flavonoid compound is the material nature of the compound fenolik many plants, is a pigment. Currently more than 6000 different compound into the flavonoid. Flavonoid is an important part of human diet as many benefits for health. Most of flavonoid function in the human body as antioxidants so it is very good for cancer prevention. Flavonoid, among other benefits is to protect the structure of cells, have a synergistic relationship with vitamin C (to increase the effectiveness of vitamin C), antiinflamasi, prevent porous bone, and as antibiotics.
In many cases, the flavonoid may play a role directly as with antibiotics disrupt the function of microorganisms such as bacteria or viruses. Function as antiviral flavonoid has been published, including for the HIV virus (AIDS) and herpes virus. In addition, the flavonoid also reported a role in the treatment and prevention of some diseases such as asthma, cataracts, diabetes, gout / rheumatism, migraine, hemorrhoids, and periodontitis (inflammation network bind buffer tooth root). Research ¬-current research has reveal the functions of the flavonoid, not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of cancer.
Many of the mechanisms of flavonoid that has been revealed, for example inaktivasi karsinogen, antiproliferasi, cell cycle retardation, apoptosis and differentiation induction, angiogenesis inhibition, and reversal multi-drug resistance or a combination of these mechanisms. ant nest ability of empirical treatment for different types of cancer or tumor, tuberculosis, rheumatism and / rheumatism allegedly related to the strong womb flavonoid ant nest .
The following are the types of diseases that have been proven can be overcome by ant nest based on empirical experience of the user.
• Various types of cancer and tumor; Like breast cancer, brain, nose, lever, lungs, intestine, uterus, skin, prostat, cancer and blood (leukimia)
• Heart and coronary heart interference
• Stroke and light weight
• Helps treat lupus
• Eliminate benjolan-benjolan on breast
• Disturbance and kidney prostat
• TB & lung problems
• Ambien (hemorrhoids) and the new long
• head of the Pain Management, migraine
• rheumatic
• smooth blood circulation, stiff rheumatic and muscle pain
• Increase vitality, improve stamina and increase body.
In addition to the active compound in Sarang Semut also found other useful contents, such as tokoferol, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, natrium, and zinc. Here is a brief description of some of the active compound useful in the ant nest :
• Flavonoid in the human body to function as antioxidants and thus it is very good for cancer prevention. Flavonoid, among other benefits is to protect the cell structure, improving the effectiveness of vitamin C, antinflamasi, prevent porous bone, and as antibiotics. Current research reveals that the flavonoid has been not only useful for prevention, but also for the treatment of cancer. And as anti-virus, the flavonoid has been published, to weaken the virus, including HIV / AIDS and herpes virus. In addition, some research also indicates that the flavonoid was reported to participate in treatment and prevention of some diseases, such as asthma, cataracts, diabetes, gout / rheumatism, migraine, hemorrhoids, and perionditis (inflammation, the root of the network buffer dental ligament).
• Tanin is astrigen that bind and precipitate proteins in the body of excess. In the field of treatment tanin used to treat diarrhea, hemostatik (stop bleeding), and hemorrhoids. Therefore, the ability to ant nest hemorrhoid treatment (hemorrhoids) and nosebleed strong relation with the alleged substance is the womb.
• Polifenol found in many fruits, vegetables and grains. The average man can mengonsumsi polifenol in seharinya to 23 mg. Polifenol is the property of the anti-microbe and lower blood sugar. Acid fenolik is a class of antioxidants that remove the compound or free radicals, which can clog the blood vessel and lead to changes in DNA that can cause cancer and other diseases.
• Tokoferol, research shows that alpha-tokoferol on the concentration of 12 ppm has been able to muffle free radicals to 96%. While Sarang Semut tokoferol rich in antioxidants, up to about 313 ppm. So do not wonder this herb is known to have reacted quickly to help quell cancer, tumor, and various forms of benjolan which can be a tumor or cancer.
• Magnesium has a role in the function of bone, liver, muscle, water intraseluler transfer, balance basa, and activity neuromuseluler. Functions of the minerals may explain some of the other property ant nest , for example, help the property in the various disease / heart trouble, smooth blood circulation, treat migraine, renal disfunction and prostat, restoring the body's stamina and sanity, and restore sexual passion .
• Calcium in the function of the heart, implus nerves, and blood coagulation.
• Metal work in the formation of hemoglobin, transporoksigen, aktivor enzyme.
• phosphorus function in calcium absorption and energy production.
• Natrium have role in electrolyte balance, body fluid volume, and implus nerves, and acid-kesimbangan basa.
• Zinc has a function in protein synthesis sexual function, storage of insulin, carbohydrate metabolism, and wound healing.
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The Ant nest
Diposkan oleh The Doctor of Llife di 11:55 AM
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