Try to imagine you, what would happen if all the population in Indonesia is more than 200 million people using this medication chemical, then discard the water and our land? It's easy to guess: berton-ton toxic chemicals will contaminate water and soil Indonesia, disrupt ecosystems, damage to the plant, the animal life, and that ... we poison ourselves and our children and grandchildren!
Therefore, I do not wonder if the mass media are often made of animal or human is born with a genetic aberration, often weak, sickly sick, or disability. Things like this are also closely related to environmental pollution that affect all genetic organism.
In my opinion, more happy habit of using the chemical treatment of natural creation of God, the action is "WITHOUT Sadar" demean the work of God in nature ciptaanNya. God has been preparing with KemahabijaksanaanNya natural cure for all diseases that have, we are ready to use the cheaper even have free. But with the hubris akan "brains" human beings, we are "unconscious" the says to the Wise, "Lord, ... and made our way (the standard treatment and human medicines chemical) more effective than the ways and buatanMu (Natural Law and medicine natural), So I prefer this medication chemical dech ... Sorry Lord ... ".
Manufacturers of drugs conventional medical chemistry said, "But not the products of nature because of our culture also come from nature?"
Yes indeed correct medicines conventional medical chemicals derived from nature. In fact, all that is around is from nature, such as cars, watches, radio, insect poisons, cosmetics, and so forth.
But the problem is what is producing medicines chemical action is the natural process? No. That is harmful to nature. Examples of the process is natural herbal supplements or medicines. The making of herbal medicine is a natural action process. The difference is quite large because of the making of herbal does not damage the "design" of God on the origin of materials used herbal medicine. Natural elements that have already have a function or the benefits that God has set before us and who live in accordance with the nature that "meant" God's goodness to us.
Examples in the natural treatment process is the natural property of the supplement to make Virgin Coconut Oil, the property on the omega-3 fish oil with fish oil extracts, making supplements klorofil, making garlic extracts, herbal spices from the kitchen, guest speaker, and so forth.
Well as with other drugs made by the human element to the way the separation of molecules from the original molecule (the actual "balance"), so that the "initial draft of the Lord" on the molecule is so lost.
Example of damage to the original nature of the actual molecule to "balance" is the making of the table salt digembar iodized rant is good for health is the fact that salt is dangerous elements have been parsed from the original salt. Iodized salt even terbukti cause sea salt hypertension while the original "we avoid" was created by God for a favor penyedap taste and good for meyembuhkan various health problems.
Actions such as this to repeat the same with the early fall of human history by Adam and Eve, when people want to become like God. Once again I emphasize, replace the action of God's creation with natural medicines and chemicals to believe more in the way human beings, it is the same with the said (in the action, not in words), "Lord, I am more confident with my own way and compared way god's creation. way yaou ancient God. "
If there is a natural treatment that can not be trusted, the lack of research, I say this is one of the major. If you do a search on the Google Search Engine, you will find thousands beribu scientific journals that publish scientific evidence of natural treatment. Evidence and historical facts have been there in front of our eyes!
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Chemistry of drugs that is harmful to Nature Medicine
Diposkan oleh The Doctor of Llife di 8:30 AM
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