Ant nest is a medicinal plant of Papua which is very nutritious to cure various illnesses naturally and safely. Generation to generation Sarang Semut was actually used as a medicinal plant by the rural community west of Wamena, Papua, as tribes in Bogondini and Tolikara.
Nutrition expert Dr. Mien Karmini the opportunity to do exploration in Papua in 1995 found that Sarang Semut often used as a mixture of porridge and drink daily. "ant nest trusted body to increase immunity and provide energy," said Mien. Oxygen-active substances such as antioxidants, polifenol, and glikosida of the ant nest able to control a variety of diseases. Type of each active substance that is still examined with the method elusidasi structure.
According to Dr Apt Subagus Wahyuono MSc from the Faculty of Pharmacy Gadjah Mada University, glikosida function as imuno Stimulation to increase the body's immune. "Antioxidants that protect body cells that can run the job well. If the cells work properly, the disease that disrupt cell functions, such as cancer can be prevented," said Dr Apt Mangestuti Agil MS, lecturer at the Faculty of Pharmacy Airlangga University, Surabaya.
According entomolog (insect expert), Dr. Wijaya, ant nest compound contains antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. "In the ant, antioxidants play a role in the formation of colonies, to keep the eggs away from the germs of disease, the same as in honey bees," said Wijaya. He also added that ant nest contain acid formiat. This senada disclosed by Dr Rosichon Ubaidillah, ant expert Puslitbang Biology LIPI. Rosichon who often go out-forest Wamena Sarang argues that the property may come from Semut Saliva gland or saliva ant and microbes associated with ant living in the plants.
Chinese medical expert, Prof. Muhammad Yusuf who has been heard several times about ant nest, said since 3000 years ago in China and plants Sarang Semut ant is used as medicine. "ant nest and improve kidney function. Kidneys affect many body functions," he said. Willian Aditeja, other Chinese medical expert, said, stop the pain ant work, the rheumatism, and reinforce the blood vessel.
Ant nestPlant Nonendemik
Ant nest now become a new drug to overcome a variety of deadly diseases. That is not only in Wamena, Jayapura, or any other city in the land of Papua. The producers have ant nest with hunting in the forests of Papua. In fact, ant nest not only found in Papua. In the largest variety of high-ant nest indeed, there are 10 varieties in there. In addition Myrmecodia pendans which has been the empirical nutritious, there also jobiensis M, M erinacea, and M alata. The Myrmecodia tuberosa were also in the South, West Sumatra, North Sulawesi and Kalimantan.
Cultivation ant nest
According to Heny JD Latupapua, researchers Biologi Wamena Garden, ant nest allows for cultivation . For plants that flower, fruit, and seeds. He also cited Dr. Tukirin Partomiharjo of Research and Development Center for Biology. Doctor epifit experts and entomologi Kagoshima University alumnus was the curator Rubiaceae plant family members are also exploring the often ant nest.
In Australia, ant nest also developed with the network technology culture. Pengembangbiakan mass culture through the network do not affect the actual active compound a plant. Condition must dikondisikan in cultivation (temperature, climate, light intensity, nutrition) as the original habitat. With the development of the ant nest hunting in the forest can be restricted.
Can be predicted, when the rebound in popularity, more people hunt ant nest. In fact, the producers during this lean production continuity of the kindness of nature. The consumer must also be careful because ant nest easily falsified, shaped like a regular wood powder blackish-brown color. Attitude is necessary inasmuch as the opportunity ant nest medicine is very big.
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Overview of Ant nest
Diposkan oleh The Doctor of Llife di 12:28 PM
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