Summary antioxidants in tea glass of water with the apple fruit 7. This sentence comes from the tea-dye the ads displayed by television. Antioxidants here to become one of the materials so that consumers persuasi to purchase the promoted product. However, if the customer service line is less satisfactory in the sesuatunya all about antioxidants, hopefully this article can provide useful information about antioxidants.
Antioxidants inhibitor is defined as the actual work that way prevent oxidation with free radical reacts with reactive free radicals do not form a relatively stable reactive. But the free radicals that are associated with the disease, would be more appropriate if antioxidants is defined as the compound-compound that protects cells from the harmful effect of reactive oxygen free radicals.
Harmful effects free radicals
When this fact was found that free radicals play a role in the occurrence of various diseases. This is because free radicals are chemicals that have spesi pair of free electrons terluar so that the skin is very reactive and able to react with protein, lipid, carbohydrate, or DNA. Reaction between free radicals and molecules that culminate in the emergence of a disease.
Oksidatif effects free radicals can cause inflammation and penuaan early. Lipid, which should keep the skin to stay fresh changes to the lipid peroxide reacts with free radicals so that the speed penuaan. Cancer is caused by reactive oxygen stimulate the core substance karsinogenik, as the main factors of cancer. In addition, reactive oxygen can increase the degree LDL (low density lipoprotein), which then became the cause of cholesterol in the storehouse of blood vessel walls. As a result timbullah atherosklerosis or better known as the coronary heart disease. In addition, a decrease in blood supply due to ischemic or stoppage of blood vessel and Parkinson suffered by Muhammad Ali pathology is also due to free radicals.
Type of oxygen derived free radicals are very reactive in the body significantly. This includes reactive oxygen superoksida (O `2), hidroksil (` OH), peroksil ( `Roo), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), singlet oxygen (O2), nitrit oxide (NO`), peroksinitrit (ONOO `) and acid hipoklorit (HOCl).
Source of free radicals
Source of free radicals, both endogenus and eksogenus going through a series reaction mechanism. The first initial free radical formation (initiation), and propagation or radical new terbentuknya (propagasi), and the last (termination), the conversion or destruction of a stable free radical and not reactive.
Explanation about the source of free radicals endogenus vary widely. Source endogenus can pass autoksidasi, oxidation enzimatik, fagositosis in respiration, electron transport in mitokondria, oxidation-ion transition metal ion, or via the ischemic. Autoksidasi is a compound containing a double bond, hydrogen alilik, or tertiary benzilik most vulnerable to oxidation by air. Examples of fat that produces acid butanoat, putrid smell after react with air. Oxidation enzimatik produce oksidan acids hipoklorit. Where approximately 70-90% O2 consumption by the cells fagosit changed to superoksida and together with the `OH H2O2 and HOCl formed with the help of bacteria. Oxygen in the electron transport system receives 1 electron superoksida form. Transition metal ion, the Co and Fe to facilitate production of singlet oxygen and the formation of `radical OH via Haber-Weiss reaction: H2O2 + Fe2 + --->` OH + OH-+ Fe3 +. In short, xantin oxide during ischemic produce superoksida and xantin. Xantin the production of more acid causes muscle.
While eksogenus source of free radicals originating from outside the body systems, including UV rays. UVB rays stimulate melanosit produce excessive melanin in the skin, which not only make the skin darker, but also berbintik black. UVA rays damage the skin with a layer of pink scar that cause wrinkling.
Classification antioxidants
To meet the needs of antioxidants, we need to know before classification antioxidants themselves. Antioxidants enzyme divided into antioxidants and vitamins. Antioxidants include the enzyme superoksida dismutase (Sod), katalase and glutation peroksidase (GSH.Prx). Antioxidants vitamin antioxidants more popular as compared to enzyme. Vitamin antioxidants include alpha tokoferol (vitamin E), beta karoten and askorbat acid (vitamin C).
Superoksida dismutase role against free radicals in the mitokondria, sitoplasma and bacteria aerob with the form of free radical superoksida. Sod peptida orgoteina pure form of the so-called anti-inflammation agents. Sod will be working actively with the poliferon earned from tea consumption. Enzyme that change the hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen is katalase. Function neutralize toxic hydrogen peroxide and prevent the formation of CO2 bubbles in the blood.
Antioxidants glutation peroksidase works by the lipid peroxide and H2O2 assisted with the metal ion-metal transition. GSH.Prx contain Se. Source of Se in the fish, eggs, chicken, garlic, seeds of wheat, corn, rice, and vegetables that grow in soil that is rich in Se. Se doses that are too high are toxic.
Vitamin E as a trusted source of antioxidants that prevent lipid peroksidasi's not saturated fatty acid in the cell membrane oxidation and helps maintain the vitamin A and fertility. Vitamin E is stored in the network adiposa and can be obtained from vegetable oils, especially sprout oil, wheat, nuts, seeds, and green vegetables.
As antioxidants, beta karoten is the main source of vitamin A that exists in most plants. In addition to protecting fruits and vegetables yellow or dark green of the dangers of sun radiation, beta karoten also similar in the human body. Beta karoten contained in carrots, broccoli, potatoes, and tomatoes.
Antioxidants that come from animal sources although a minority, but it can not be role disepelekan casually. This is surprising in the astaxanthin classified karoten. According to experts, astaxanthin 1000 times more powerful as antioxidants than vitamin E. Shrimp, salmon, oysters are potansial source astaxanthin. But the womb astaxanthin in the most similar mikroalga, namely Haematococos pluvalis. Astaxanthinnya protect the alga from environmental changes such as an image of high oxidation and ultraviolet evaporasi. Summary antioxidants work against the danger of lipid peroxide and LDL cholesterol oxidation and UV, and to help the vision, immune response, reproduction and pigmentasi for the alga.
While acid askorbat easy dioksidasi clabber dehidroaskorbat. Thus, the vitamin C also have a role in preventing excessive oxidation reactions in the body in a way act as antioxidants. Vitamin C in green vegetables and fruits.
In addition to ranking in the top of the antioxidants, there is also a compound that can replace vitamin E, the flavonoid. This is presented by the Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, Oregon State University. Flavonoid is a compound of the polifenol tea, fruits, vegetables, wine, beer and soy sauce. Summary flavonoid antioxidants depends on the structure of cluster molekulnya especially prenil (CH3) 2C = CH-CH2-. In the research shows that the flavonoid group prenil developed for prevention or therapy of diseases associated with free radicals.
From the explanation of the above, we can at least know the various sources of antioxidants following the antioxidants needed for health. Prevention is much better than curation, however. So, start with maintaining the health of food and beverages that we consume every day.
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Free radicals Vs Antioxidants
Diposkan oleh The Doctor of Llife di 12:29 PM
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