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Something ancient and antique has come to the United States, and you should know about this so now you can with sungguh2 try to prevent diseases such as cancer and blood vessel stiffening (arthritis).[......]

Rosella flower contains vitamins A, C, calcium, potasium and also other minerals such as iron, sodium, carbohydrates, fiber, sugar, and vitamins. All combinations of vitamins and minerals can produce enough high-calorie.[......]

Preventing New Flu H1N1

After some time ago excited with firus Indonesia Avian Influenza, now switch to the new firus that come from overseas and continental United States and the European and firus the H1N1, or popular as the flu babi.Di many places already are infected this disease , even the soul of the victim is eating. Speed and accuracy of the government in responding to global firus this is done with the installation of these tools firus detection of objects that are placed on objects such as the vital airport. Meanwhile, the action is done with the medical division of medicine antifirus Tamiflue.Firus H1N1 is true we must always to alert , different from the flu because flu usually.

What are the symptoms of flu?

1. Fever (≥ 38oC)

2. Cough, Flu

3. sore throat

4. Tired, listless

5. May be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and diarrhea

6. When the weight will cause shortness of breath or rapid breath

Step - Step New H1N1 Flu Prevention (Mexican Strain):

1. Wash hands with soap and clean water as often as possible

2. When sneezing or coughing, cover nose and mouth with a tissue and dispose of tissue in the trash or use the mask

3. Keep at least one meter distance with other people, especially if the bird flu disease

4. When experiencing flu symptoms immediately to your doctor, health clinic, hospital or clinic near you

5. Tinggalah Take a break and at home when suffering from flu

6. Make a clean and healthy life with the self and keep the environment

More information can come directly to the health clinic or hospital nearby.

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